As I sojourned on my 2 mile hike with the little dog, I took notice of some very interesting houses in my subdivision. One peculiar thing I noticed is that when it comes to religion, people tend to lose their sense of “good taste.” At first glance, what could be better then serene water fall, lapping down the rocks into a quiet little pond? How comforting is that sound? The gentle trickle, drip, sloshing of liquid combined with distant sound of children laughing. To make the situation even more peaceful, a 2 foot statue of the Lord Jesus Christ, arms outstretched, beckoning you to join him in prayer. The imagery conjures up a tranquil setting that could very likely to have occurred in the time of Christ. “Come with me and I will make you Fishers of Men.”
But alas, if that internal reflection isn’t enough, the owners felt it would be more realistic to hang a string of Christmas lights in his hands. I am sure this occurred in the years ar
ound 20AD. Can’t you just see the young man swinging these lights at the money changers on the stairs of the temple? Maybe he used them as a lasso, snagging the phony prophets and hog tying them like a rodeo steer. I am sure he could also use them to light up the dark tomb to find his way out on Easter Sunday. At first I thought the latter to be ridiculous, but then, he is God. If he could get Manna from heaven, water from a rock, and wine from water for sure he could get electricity from under his armpit. Maybe they should check the shroud of Turin for the image of some bubble lights. Who knows, apparently these people know what the Bible meant when God said “Let there be Light.”
That is then end of my rant, but I shall return, unless you find me tied up with a string of Christmas lights face down in a little waterfall.
That’s all I have, you’ve been great
I am just catching up on reading the last few blog postings...this cracked me up. Praise Jesus and his string o'lights!