Sunday, May 24, 2009

Nothing Planned Means a Full Day

Ah, to wake on a sunny, crisp Saturday morning. No immediate plans. Older two boys going to Mother in Law's. Younger two going to the mall with mother. The sky's the limit. The world's your oyster. Might as well start by mowing your lawn. Get that out of the way, then on to relaxation. Back yard hadn't been edged yet, little as there is to do there. Edged, weedwhipped, toys picked up and a couple of paths mowed...What's this, the fuel line is slipping off the fuel tank connection. No major deal. Ever since I had the tank replaced, I noticed they re-attatched it to the fuel bowl with a line that seemed a tad short, and held on by no more than a zip strip. It's no big deal...I just tug a bit on the line to bring it back up the nipple, and...uh oh! Now it's dripping from the fuel bowl. NO!!! It's flowing from the fuel bowl. I'll just get my hands a bit gassy and shove it it's off...gas flowing, engine hot...NOT GOOD! A quick hose down and I'm safer, but no closer to fixing. An empty fuel tank, several trips to various hardware and lawn mower stores, and two hours later, I finally finish mowing the lawn.

I clean up a couple other things, saw up some junk wood, and ready for relaxin...Katie's home from the store with a frame, matting, and the idea to make up a frame of pictures from 3mo to 2yr for Jim. Some tracing and free hand cutting later, and that's done, but not before the printer isn't working when Katie tries to print out these pictures. Now, why this happens, is most likely attributable to Dr. Pogo, who most recently, has realized that if he wants something and Katie or I are on the computer, with a simple push of a button, he has our undivided least until the computer reboots. We all know that this shut down style is not conducive to proper care of files and programs on our computers, but aside from hobbling, handcuffs and chains, we can only keep correcting him...again, and again, and again. Here, a simple uninstall and reinstalling of drivers is just the ticket. However, we all know, we try everything else, which takes up another hour, before we resort to something like that. Enough said, an hour and a half later, I have done the simplest, the printer is working again, and lo and behold, my pictures are once again appearing on this Blog page. Related or not, coincidence or accident? What it comes down to is a busy day with nothing to do but relax. Gotta love Saturdays.

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