Mom picked up Ed at noon from his preschool and took him to lunch.. then on the George George Park... I am holding down the fort and entertaining Flo while she cleans around me. Already cut the weeds in the back yard so the boys and girls can play baseball, without losing the ball in the tall grass.
Keep getting the unwanted book back from the Post Office... Just cannot return it without adding $6.60 in postage... so I called Amer Express Publishing and asked them if they want their credit cards back in itty bitty pieces. They graciously said, "Please keep the book with our compliments. " I guess the old saying is correct. You first have to hit the mule in the head with a 2 by 4 to get his attention.
Knowing full well how stubborn we Sheens can be, and also knowing the fruit doesn't fall from the tree, my question is a simple one. "Which mule has more bumps from that all but broken 2x4...Momma Mule or Pappa Mule?" :)