Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Weekend Closes Out

A time to remember. A time to salute the soldiers, standing tall, defending our country from the onslaught of foriegn invaders. Watching the parade today, remnded me of how much I really don't care for parades ;> The best part of the Sterling Heights parade were the marching Brownies. They did their troop proud.

Speaking of soldiers, the ones up North were standing at attention when I departed. The holes for the retaining wall, were relatively uneventful. The deck holes were also not bad, once I figred out that they used to have a cement patio down at the water level. Since I could only dig down 24 inches before hitting concrete, it took a number of test holes, and then finally a large 3 ft diameter hole to understand what was below. Afte this realization and evaluation, I determined that a cement foundation is just as good as digging down 42 inches. It also made me revoke my disparagement of the previous owner who only sank his deck holes 24 inches. It all becomes clear. 7am mornings to dig and 1am evenings to sit by the fire. Not much sleep, but well worth the effort. Next step is the wall itself and the main beams. That will be accomplished on fathers day weekend.

Additionally, as with tradition, there was swimming to be done, no matter what the water temperature. Jumping off the dock, jet skiing, sand bar surfing. You name it, we did it. Fires were warm and inviting as the temps dipped to 50. Water was refreshing as the sun beat down on you and made you sweat in the 70 degree weather. Also, just in case you didn't know....the ice cream store was frequented many times along with the cooler for a nice cold big boy pop.

A good weekend...heck even a bad weekend at the cottage is a good weekend.

Roxy was a good dog, though she is not crazy about getting wet. Loves the boat rides and the freedom to run like a maniac, but treads lightly in the liquid (unlike Nat and Cole).

Thanks, you've been great.

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