Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Let The Summer Begin

So Danielle and I went to the cottage yesterday to get the boat in the water. It was also Roxy's first venture on the long trip. She did pretty well, but then threw up on 61. Of course she couldn't let loose on the rubber mat, no...instead she let her breakfast go on the carpeted part. Wonderful.

But anyhow, we managed to get to the cottage in one piece while hauling 10-6x6x8's in the van. It was pretty close to the load limit, but handled it like a champ. DP and I managed to get the jetski in the water, and the pontoon boat launched as well. Same guy helps me every year and he is always on time. We had an appointment for 1pm, and sure enough, Mark showed up at 1pm. Roxy was laying in the driveway and just watched him pull up. Didn't chase him or nothing.

Another interesting item, at 12pm I had finished the small chores and was waiting on Mark with a fishing pole in one hand and a cold one in the other (of course there were no fish anywhere to be seen). Roxy was laying by my side when the dude in the 6 wheeled motor cart comes roaring by. Roxy watched it go, but never made a move to chase it like dingbat would have.. Who is this dog?

Lots of work to be done up there. Goal for Memorial weekend is to get the posts sunk for the retaining wall and deck. 16 holes to be dug, hopefully it will be pretty sandy ;>

That is all that is new and worthy to print.

Thanks, you've been great.


1 comment:

  1. Woo hoo!!! Can't wait for 4th of July at the cottage!! And get that deck built so whenever we decide it's time to get married, we'll have it waiting for us. :-)
