Monday, January 31, 2011

February .... YUCK!

I think we should get rid of this month. No one likes it. Lets just divvie up its 28 days among the 11 other months and then the nursery rhyme would be...
34 days hath August and June...
The 9 others have 33...
There is no February to cause us gloom
I've struck it out, so sez me.

As far as Leap years go, they no longer exist...
We just take that extra day and divide it among the
other (365 x 4) 1,460 days giving 1 and 1/73 minute to
more to each day and just make our clocks
stutter when they get to midnight.

So Katie, your birthday is now on March 12th...
Adam, March 13th...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011



Born in Hamtramck, Michigan on January 25, 1915

Friday, January 21, 2011

"Don't Break the Ice Dad!!"

So my children have been bugging me to take them ice skating again. Memory serves that we drive to the rink, get warmly dressed, put on our skates, get on the ice and then "It's cold, lets go home." Well I outsmarted them this year.

After a drive to the Home Depot for 4- 4"x4"x10' and a 12'x12' sheet of plastic, I managed to find a level spot in my yard and construct a so called "Ice Rink." Granted it looks small, but it is perfect size for what my kids do. In fact, I can sit on the couch by the fire and watch them the entire time out the window. Brilliant !!!!

Regardless of size, they still manage to fall and get hurt or get too cold.

A humorous twist, when we were checking for it being frozen, I let the girls try first and did not put my weight on in for another day or so. The reason it was funny? Nicole says "don't step on it dad, you'll break it!!" A memory of our own pops stepping on the backyard rink and putting a nice crack right down the middle.

Even Sadie like the rink to slide around on. Roxy, not so much. I miss living on the lake and having an ice rink at our disposal ;{

That's all the time I have. You've been great!


Growing Up Fast

So I participated in a nice "He and me" dinner presented by Natalie's Brownie camp. My eldest and I had a lovely time at Ike's. Let's just say that she is growing up way to fast!! They had an afternoon at the spa getting their nails and hair done, then a limo ride to the restaurant where they were greeted by their dates with a carnation and corsage. Dinner was lovely with spaghetti and chicken to be had by all.
That's all the time I have, you've been great.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

APHASIA - word of the day

From the Greek root word "aphatos", meaning speechless, it is the total impairment of language ability. This may include diffuculty pronouncing or comprehending spoken or written language. Dysphasia, not to be confused with dysphagia, which is a swallowing disorder, is a degree of impairment less than total. Depending upon the area and degree of brain damage, one may be able to speak but not write, write but not speak, or even sing but not speak.
Usually resulting from legions on the brain, damage can be a result of a stroke, minor or major head trauma, a tumor, or even neurological deseases, such as Alzheimer's or Parkinsons. There has even been some transient aphasia associated with such deseases as epilepsy and migraine. The only treatment close to being effective is "Melodic Intonation Therapy", whereby the therapist attempts to use musical hummings and intonations to get the left and right sides of the brain to work together in retrieving and using words, and sentences. The musical patterns are ultimately removed and normal speech is hopefully regained.
I apologize if this new posting does not stimulate your intellect, or worse, if it totally blows you day, but I just got tired of looking at the Horoscope Wheel, thank you.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

You're not who you think you are.... the zodiac dates have all changed!

Just when you start to feel settled in your old age. After years of relying on your daily horoscope for all the important decisions in your life. After years of reading your personality profile based on your zodiac sign and saying, "Wow, there must be something to this astrology thing. That is EXACTLY what I (my spouse, friend, etc.) am like!"

Well, in case you missed the latest breaking news from the Minnesota Planetarium Society - astronomers have now realized they are about 10 degrees off. How big is that - well, in astronomy terms, 10 degrees is a big deal. Remember Apollo 13? If they were only off by a degree or so on the approach to earth, they would either bounce off the atmosphere or burn to a cinder. So, crap - 10 degrees means we are all doomed. What's next? I suppose someone is going to say that the world *won't* end in late 2012, but now actually ended when Wayne Newton was embalmed while still alive - I'm not sure exactly when that happened, but I know it was a while ago.

To alleviate the suspense, and start you down your new astrological road - here are the NEW dates:

Capricorn: Jan. 20-Feb. 16.
Aquarius: Feb. 16-March 11.
Pisces: March 11-April 18.
Aries: April 18-May 13.
Taurus: May 13-June 21.
Gemini: June 21-July 20.
Cancer: July 20-Aug. 10.
Leo: Aug. 10-Sept. 16.
Virgo: Sept. 16-Oct. 30.
Libra: Oct. 30-Nov. 23.
Scorpio: Nov. 23-29.
Ophiuchus: Nov. 29-Dec. 17.
Sagittarius: Dec. 17-Jan. 20.

Instead of being a Libra, I'm now a Virgo. I just finished reading the personality traits of Virgo and WOW - there must be something to this astrology thing, because it is EXACTLY ME!! Amazing..

Here's the article:

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

One of THOSE days...

...those freaky numbered days, that is. Today is 1/11/11. And it will be even cooler at 11 minutes past 11am (and pm)! 1/11/11 11:11!!! What does it all MEAN??? Probably nothing. I just think it's kind of cool.
In the immortal words of Nigel Tufnel in "This Is Spinal Tap" - "These go to eleven."
And we can revisit it later this year, on November 1st and November 11th (also Kel Belle's 17th birthday!!! Would have been neater if she was turning 11, tho...)

Have a freaky-cool day!!

Sunday, January 9, 2011


born January 10, 1907 in Warsaw, Poland.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Total Gym Workout +2


Monday, January 3, 2011

Total Gym Workout +1

Probably not what Chuck Norris and Christie Brinkley had in mind as I didn't find the option of loading up a 3 year old on the travel sled in the Total Gym workout booklet. But Luke likes riding on the gym when I'm working out - and it bumps up the weight a little bit too, so that's ok :-)

btw - on a related note, I guess that Chuck Norris is very big now in the eastern bloc countries. He is doing T-Mobile commercials in Czechoslovakia.

Lions and Tigers and Bears Oh My!!

Girls went to their first Pro Football game on Sunday. Lions vs. Vikings. They seemed to have a fun time and the Lions won (four in a row... Woo Hooo!! ). Cole had her face painted; but by the time Natalie decided to have it done, the painters had packed up. nothing a pack of Licorice couldn't fix ;>
She does actually look like a she-wolf of sorts. Especially with her front two teeth missing. Awoooo...The Werewolf of London.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


....And now on to the Bowl games...