Tuesday, June 30, 2009

So let it be written....

...So let it be done.

Okay, enough downers....time for HAPPY THOUGHTS!

The 4th of July weekend is upon us, and we are looking SO forward to coming up north and seeing everyone!!! Bring on the s'mores, cookouts, ice cream-as-big-as-your-head, campfires, pontoon boat rides, jet skiing, illegal fireworks, and, best of all, LOTS AND LOTS OF THE SHEEN FAMILY TOGETHER!! See you guys in a couple of days!!!!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Now this is sad....

Billy Mays, the Oxyclean TV pitchman dies after hitting his head on an airplane during a rough landing. I liked Billy.... or not. Now cause of death was bad heart.

Friday, June 26, 2009


...and I am not thinking about all his weirdness...just about all that great music. Moment of silence for all those amazing, danceable, singable songs...and that awesome moment in the "Thriller" video where he turns around and is a zombie and they all start the Thriller Zombie Dance. That was and is SO cool!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

And what you don't see in the picture...

... is Lloyd Bridges in the car ahead with a megaphone yelling, "Mendalbaum... Mendalbaum... Mendalbaum... "

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

How I Came to be a Runner

I never intended to be a runner. Running had always just been something I’d do in the off season from cycling or to fill the gaps in time when traveling. Back then, I didn’t feel like a runner. I felt like a cyclist that stumbled in a forward direction occasionally. Remember the episode on Friends where Phoebe ran? That’s how I felt; arms flailing, clomping along, heart pounding and pain everwhere. I felt like a clod, masquerading as a runner. No structure, and in fact; I don't think I even enjoyed it. It was just something to do when I got sick of riding the bike all summer and needed to get in shape for snowboarding season. I'd start up in the fall and ramp up to three runs of about 4 miles each during the fall and winter. I never really thought out my pace or form. I just ran. The pain of that first mile never seemed to subside.

I didn't *get* running and I looked at serious runners in the way most people probably do. They were freaks ;-)

That was the story in Chicago when I was traveling out there. Just something to pass the time and keep from getting fat – which is the natural outcome of weekly travel if you leave your body to it’s own devices.

Then one day, I just decided to try to run 6 miles. I was amazed that I completed that and felt elated. It HURT for days. But I kept at it. Pretty soon I was running 7 miles, then 8 - every other morning.

My first goal setting was to register for the Denver half marathon in 2007. I remember the first time I ran 12 miles. Oh my god - I was hanging on like grim death on that last 2 miles. I thought - ok, I can probably make 13 miles someday. It will get easier. And it did - a little.

Sadly though, my first half marathon never happened. I had my race bib and gear all ready to go for that morning but I woke up to a steady rain and sub 40 degree temps. AND it was dark. Now - I will run in ANY twosome combination of the three ‘crap-parameters’ (rain, cold and dark) - but all three in spades is as RIGHT OUT as counting to 5 or 6 with the holy hand grenade. So I skipped it. Gasp! In cycling, I never had even DNF’d (Did Not Finish). Not once. But here was the start to my serious running, “Uhhh… .yeah…… no… not going out there…”

But I repented and soon was signed up for the full marathon the following year (2008). I got more serious and downloaded training plans, tweaking them to suite my schedule and ability. The first time I saw that the plan called for running three days in a row I was skeptical. And the first few times I tried it - man that was not a great experience. But I kept at it, and pretty soon, I was looking forward to the feeling of starting off with a little stiffness, and feeling it evaporate as my muscles warmed.

I bought new running shoes and tracked my mileage against them, replacing them at 400-500 miles. (btw - I learned that shoes wear out WAYYYY before the soles do, and new shoes do wonders for your joints). I subscribed to Runner's World and read Gallaways book on running. I read blogs and kept diligently to my training plan. I bought a GPS training watch, which gave me the freedom to explore routes and still stick to my mileage for the day. It kept me honest on my pace and I didn’t need a track to do speed-work. And, on two occasions, it helped me find the hotel again in a strange city when I wandered off course and was frantically trying to get back for a morning meeting (Mode->Navigation->Find Waypoint (hotel))

And somewhere, in all that immersion, I started to feel like a runner. Not a jogger, not a poser - a real runner. I would get into a rhythm and feel my legs just passing under me, like a little engine on autopilot. I started to watch the Kenyans with awe and tried to visualize their fluid, gazelle like movements as I ran. And ok, I still ran more like a mountain goat that snarfed some bad mushrooms, but it was a vast improvement. I watched running on TV - and it was exciting!

In the Denver Marathon last year, I made the classic rookie mistake. I went out like a shot and paid for it halfway through. My theory of going out fast, accumulate a 'buffer' of time and then coast later in the race, fell flat in the face of physiology. I've since learned that the body just doesn't work that way.

In that race, I hit the 'wall' at mile 21. People used to tell me about the ‘wall’ and I’d scoff at them with a knowing smile. Hey, I've raced bikes and bonked really hard. I've dehydrated on long rides and in the back-country. I've hiked 17 miles up to over 14,000 feet and felt the effects of altitude (headache, dizziness and disorientation). At the top of a Mt. Evans climb on my bike, my speech was slurring and a dropped glove looked to be down in a canyon below me instead of resting next to my foot.

I've even seen Elvis on the Colorado Trail. It was on one particularly nasty climb where I was trying to put the hurt on my buddy Chris. My vision tunneled, blacking out everything outside of a paper towel sized tube in front of me. As I crested the top, the King was there, sitting on a rock, eating some peach cobbler (he was the ‘fat’ Elvis version). He smiled as I passed and I waved. It seemed normal. Now *that* is bonking.

BUT - NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING compares to the WALL in running.

It took more determination than I've ever had to muster to break through it. And once I broke through, all was good. I limped through the last miles to a 3:58:21 - beating my goal of sub-four hours. I got teary eyed at the finish line. I had run my first marathon. I hadn't quit. The mantra that kept me going was one that I had read somewhere;

"There will come a day when you can no longer do this. Today is not that day"

That year leading up to the marathon and that day literally changed my life. Or more accurately, it created a fundamental change in me and how I looked at running. It was now my friend. I belonged wading in its’ waters. I wasn't a clod or a pretender. I was a runner and had every right to call myself one. I even put a "Marathoner" bumper sticker on my car.

The truth is, I had this right all along - we all do. Running is something we were born to do. Just watch children. They absolutely LOVE to run. They laugh and run until they fall over. They don't have GPS watches or run negative splits. They can't tell you what pace they run at and their morning ‘loop’ is around the kitchen table – like 50 times. They just do it because it's fun. Why it took me 4 decades to rediscover that love, I'll never understand.

And people I work with are genuinely baffled when they see me running all the time. They can't understand how that could be fun. But it is. It's liberating and simple and primal. It lights up those neural pathways that used to illuminate daily when we were children. I run and feel free. I run and feel resolved. I get to leave all the tension and stress and angst on the pavement as it passes under my feet. I get back to the office and I feel like I’ve taken Percocet. I love everyone.

My absolute favorite runs are early on the weekend. I leave the house with the dog while everyone is sleeping. I get to see the sunrise. I hold the dog back from chasing the prairie dogs and the rabbits. And when I get back to the house a couple hours later, Paige and the kids are all awake and I get to walk into this home buzzing with life. We make pancakes and I feel like I could live in that moment for the rest of my life and be happy.

In May I ran the Colfax Marathon at 3:36:59. It was great to be faster, but really the time wasn't as important to me as how I felt during that race. I felt strong and I loved every mile. Don't get me wrong - it was uncomfortable at times. But the elation I felt at being able to 'manage' that discomfort, turned it from an indicator light of 'pain' to one of 'being alive'. The last few miles I put on some ‘fast’ music and was able to just open up, flying down the street with a graceful stride. People were cheering and I felt like I belonged there; in the last few miles of a marathon. In the last ½ mile, the Eddie Vedder song, Big Heart Sun came on and I was so jazzed up by it. I crossed the finish line and was greeted by Paige, all the kids. Paige’s dad had even come up to watch. How great is it to finish a marathon, leaving not one bit of angst or stress in your body, and stumble into the arms of the people that you love and adore?

And now I'm running towards Denver again this fall. Hopefully on my way to qualify for Boston. I need to run a 3:30 plus change to qualify in my age group. After than, maybe London (3:15 or better). Now I know what you’re thinking. Ah, see – you are running to an objective, to a goal. But here’s proof that it’s not about the end goal in running. I’m only running a couple marathons a year, and you only feel the elation of hitting your goal pace for maybe a day or two after the race. But the work to get there is 6 months. That’s 26 weeks of about 40-50 miles per week. That’s almost 1200 miles. 170 some hours of running. There’s got to be some joy in the process, not just the goal to keep me motivated right?

In the end, I don't think a goal diminishes the joy of running. I’m really just chasing something because it’s fun to chase things. I mentioned before that we were made to run. Well, we were also made to chase things too. Watch children again. Kids love to chase things. In fact Luke runs fastest when he’s chasing the dog around the kitchen table.

Chasing something makes it that much more fun to run.

Wish me luck!!

Monday, June 22, 2009

You Talkin' To Me?

So we broke down and added another pup to the household. Ms. Sammy Baker Davis Junior has been added at 8 weeks old. She was born in Manchester, MI to a Ms. Sadie on April 27th. She was from a litter of 9 live pups. She was the runt, just like Petey was.

On her first meet with Roxy she seemed a bit small, but soon had Rox on the run!! That didn't last long. 5lbs of pup is no match for 54lbs of beast. Someday she will be able to hold her own, but not quite yet.

Elsewhere on the homefront, the deck up north is progressing. Rico and I managed to get a ton of work done. Literally.

* 5 yds pea stone - moved
* 75ft x 3 ft retaining wall and tiebacks - installed
* Deck Infrastructure and Beams - installed and level
* 40ft. of drain tile - installed
* Concrete steps, broken and sunk into the hole
* 2 Alberta Spruce trees, cut down and stumps pulled
* Pontoon boat ladder - installed
* Firepit - moved
* big Pilings at the corner of the lot, removed

A very good weekend. Looking forward to next week. 7 yds topsoil, joists and decking to be completed. Should be a good one.

Oops, the puppy just peed. Gotta go.

Thanks, you've been great!


It's Go Time...Mandelbaum or Sheen?

I know it's a tough question, but the competitive Sheens have been in the running for so long, it's hard to separate now. After a weekend of sledging cinderblock, shoveling and hauling pea gravel, shouldering and schlepping wet treated 10 foot long 2x12's, along with trenching and heaving telephone posts and railroad ties, the Dynamic, competitive, and stupid Sheen duo of Dumb and Dumber were at it again on Sunday afternoon. Not more than 23 hours from when they admitted they had spent all the mucle they could, and couldn't lift much more than a T-bone steak and a quaff of beer or margarita's, the Mandlebaum/Sheen twosome were at it again, as piano movers. Rico Suave, content on just moving that margharita to his lips had totally forgot about the furniture move mentioned weeks ago. However, be it a television set in a hospital room, near Jerry Seinfeld, a chunk of deck, or a piano, he rose to the task with his fellow, soon to be herniated brother, Terry, Duo-dog man. When the Dogman was questioned, all he had to say, was, "I think we put the Mendalbaums to shame...Now, where is that biffin' Motrin and beer?"

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Love you, Daddo!

Happy Father's Day to the VERY best Daddo any group of kids could EVER dream about having. I hope you know how much you are loved and worshipped and respected. Thanks for being our Daddo!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

How Do They Stay In Business?

Lately, I have been trying to get work done on the house and at the cottage. Along with that, I have made some purchases from multiple vendors both online and in person. I am amazed at the service some people provide, and shocked at others. Here are some highlights:

1.) I order a pontoon boat ladder from a store in CT. The price is cheaper than any local store and they have free shipping. Since I was in no hurry, I executed the order at 11am on Wednesday. On Thursday morning, 9am, a FedEX truck delivers the ladder. At 11am, an email confirmation of shipment arrives in my inbox. Now that is service.
2.) I call four different excavation, supply houses up in West Branch to have 5 yards of pea stone delivered to the cottage. One takes all my information and says they will call back to confirm. Never calls back. Another says they won't be in the area, so cannot support me. A third calls me, confirms delivery, takes my phone numbers and location, but never asks for an exact address (i figure I will hear from him at 10am tomorrow, looking for the house). The fourth never called back. Isn't the economy bad? Doesn't everyone want business?
3.) Order wood from the Home Depot in West Branch. Super nice people. 10% off and 12 months same as cash. They get the order all typed in and ready to confirm. I re-re-re-ask the question:"Are you sure this is pressure treated?" Answer is yes, yes, ummmm let me check. Dude from lumber comes to the service desk, and confirms "NO. That is not pressure treated. Here let me do it." A thirty minute trip turns to an hour. We shall see what we get tomorrow morning.
4.) I am looking for estimates to get the roof re-shingled on the house. I speak to two places, they are more than happy to come when it is convienent for me. A third place demands that both Danielle and I be home. They then have the nerve to ask for one of us to leave work early so they can meet with us together. Ummmmmm.....let me think...... (I talked to the neighbor who had the same three companies estimate. The first two were in the same range. The third...was triple. Hmmmmm.)
5.) I ordered a lens from Beach Camera. The lens comes with a free UV filter ($15). Cool, it protects the lens and I have them for my other lenses. I also order a polarizing filter($33). Here is where it gets funny. I don't get the UV filter, but get the polorizing filter. I call the place and send an email. I ask where is my free UV filter? They tell me it was packed and the box must have been tampered with. I reply, if someone tampered with the box, why would they leave the lens and more expensive filter to take the least expensive part. They agree to send me a new one and "Investigate" the missing filter. Two days later I get a package in the mail. Guess what.....another polarizing filter. I finally went out and bought the UV filter.....No, I didn't return the other polarizing filter. If anyone has a need, I have two for a 77mm opening.

So this is what we deal with. How do some companies stay in business from either over delivering or under delivering? It amazes me.

Thanks, you've been great.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Dream Remains Alive!

Shuttle launch scrubbed again this morning, still due to the hydrogen leak. My media contact texted me to keep July 11th open, as that appears to be their next shot at sending up Endeavor. July 11th would work wonderfully for me...fingers crossed!! More as it happens.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Of course.

Because NASA could not go with what EVERYONE was saying, that they wouldn't delay the rocket mission they had going up on Wednesday and would instead launch the shuttle on Saturday...thus allowing at least me and Brendan to go see it blast off from the Cape (tho my friend Sue, who is now up in New York for the U.S. Open, would miss out).
No, no...NASA had to decide the hydrogen leak is fixed and so they will delay the rocket missions and instead send the shuttle up on Wednesday. Morning. At 5am. Which we can't go to because we have to work and would not be able to stay awake all night and then all during the day at work.
So basically, unless something happens to prevent the shuttle from going up on Wed morning...we get hosed out of being able to go watch it from our VIP seats. Of course.
First the Wings, now this. I think I need to go drown my sorrows in a Twistee Treat.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Are You Kidding Me?

First let me preface this little diatribe by saying: "I love my daughters dearly and I will support them in whatever venture they choose." There, now that the disclaimer is out of the way.

I have sat in pouring rain and sleet watching a 4 year old kick a soccer ball. I have watched a Tball game during a Tornado Warning. I have sat in a 75 degree, 100 percent humidity pool area watching a 6 year old swim. I have been in 50 degree water swimming at the sand bar with my girls. I have sat in the bleachers in a 90 degree auditorium, inside a hen house, watching my girls do gymnastics. I sat through Kindergarten talent shows and spent hours baiting hooks in hot sun, or pouring rain. I have even walked dogs in -10 degree temperatures with 20mph winds. But nothing, I mean nothing except a day with Del Griffith could have prepared me for this.

When Danielle said that Nicole was taking Tap dance and Ballet, I figured...What the heck. Nothing wrong with 10 weeks or so of Saturday morning practices. Learn some fundamentals, away we go. Boy was I wrong. So apparently, these dance places have this thingy called "A Recital." Now this event is not just for Nicole's class, like you would hope. No, in fact, it is for the entire dance school. This school ranges in all ages and the recital has to take place in a large Auditorium (Dakota High School if you are familiar with the facility).

First off, you have to buy costumes....okay, I can live with that....Then you have to buy tickets. Wait a minute, I paid for all the classes, why do I have to pay again to watch the results? Hmmm. Thirdly, you cannot bring cameras..you can buy the DVD!! Fourth, don't forget this one; you should buy some flowers to give your daughter because of the great performance. Are you kidding me? So it becomes very clear that this entire charade is a money grab. Oh yeah, I forgot the photos you should have taken, in both outfits ;> Amazing. My friend Darren has a 13 year old that has been doing this for 7 years. His reference to dance is simply, "It is all about you and your wallet." Great.

Anyway, I finally got my head around the financial part. Don't really like it, but it is part of the game. Besides, nothing is too good for my kids. So Friday night at 6:40pm Natalie and I arrive at the Auditorium to watch the recital. (Danielle and Nicole are there already - more on that later). Show starts at 7pm sharp. Dances are relatively short, about 1-3 minutes each routine. Some are really good, others are just beginners. The entire gamut is represented. At first, I was intrigued by the abilities. Then as time wore on; 45 minutes into the program and no Nicole yet, I grew weary. Natalie was trying to follow the program (keeping her busy) and discovered that Nicole's 1st act would be on next. Here we go! Might I say, she was awesome and the best little tapper out there. Well worth the wait....Great job baby. I was very proud.

Okay that one is over in 45 seconds. What comes next? Another 25 minutes of show then......wait for it.....10 minute intermission when we start Act II. What? I have been here 1.5 hours already! Act II? Yes, Act II. Oye. So it is written.....So let it be done.

Act II is more of the same. People yelling "Go Girls!" , "Yeah Madison!" , "Woooohooo!" and all of these other sayings that I was quite unprepared for. I thought clapping was sufficient. What do I know. Well another 40 minutes passed and here comes Nicole's second number. Now I may not be "Father of the Year" all the time, but is it bad when you can't pick your kid out on the stage. Hair pulled up tight, makeup looking a bit like the Joker (Cesar Romero not the cheap imitations). Anyway, Natalie finally found her and we watched her perform flawlessly. Again, I was very proud. So that 45 seconds ended and we look at the program. Another 2 pages of songs until the finale'. Again.....ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!? (AYKM) Natalie, Mom, Dad and I decided enough was enough. I sent Danielle a text and away we went.

So at home we waited diligently for Danielle and Nicole to come home. Apparently the show ended around 10:15 (OVER 3 HOURS!) and they arrived right around 11pm. AYKM!!!! I am amazed. People do this regularly and look forward to these events. I don't think Nicole will do it again. That is up to her, but man-o-man; To me, that was ridiculous.

Now let me give Kudos and credit to the woman that I love dearly; and sometimes like to tease about her volunteering. My wife deserves parent of the decade for not only getting Nicole ready and organized, but she also was charged with managing the entire class backstage. How do you keep 15 5-7 year olds busy for that long of time and not destroying their dresses, hair or makeup. I don't know how she does it, but if it was me....I would have bailed after Act I. She has a host of stories that all took place during that 3 hour tour. I have no idea how she does it. She is a very strong woman who loves her children!! Great Job Babe!!!!

So that is all I have, I know it is quite lengthy and words do not adequately describe the event. Until you experience it, you will have to trust me. Just know this: It was 50 degrees and drizzling rain at 6:45am this morning. I happily took Roxy for a 2 mile walk. I can smile as I do this because: "I spent the day with Del Griffith!!!"

Thanks, you've been great!



First the Wings lose, then the launch gets scrubbed, then I discover that I gained 4 pounds on my diet.... Sigh...
Pick yourself up.... dust yourself off.... start all over again.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

View From the Press Mound at Cape Canaveral


Well I am now getting BEYOND excited because this Saturday morning is our scheduled day for our VIP passes to view the shuttle launch. Just got a bunch of info from my contact there - we will be viewing the launch from the Press Mound. If you want an idea of the kind of vantage point we'll have, check out this slideshow -


Those photos were taken from the Press Mound.

Here's an interesting tidbit - we are told to wear long pants and no open-toed shoes, because should the shuttle blow up on the launch pad, there are hazardous chemicals and things that "might be bad for us." Eegads. Well, fingers crossed for a safe and happy liftoff. There is a 90% chance for favorable weather for a liftoff...just hoping no technical glitches crop up. I will be taking a camera/video with me, but I will say that I will be torn between pointing a camera at it and just watching and enjoying it with my own eyes so...can't promise anything.

I will report back when I get back home on Saturday. Up, up, and away!!!!

The Summer Begins....

The last day of school was had. The boys have officially been on Summer Vacation now for 20 hours. How many hours until September? It's actually been sort of funny; children faced with a plethora of things to do, and not knowing which way to turn. So, Tom ended up sitting for over an hour yesterday reading a book. Billy, on the other hand sat on a cusion atop the slide platform, staring up at the sky, eating popcorn. Of course, then there was their constant attempt at helping me while I put together my new patio furniture last night. Oh, thank you Katie for taking them on that walk, short as it was. It only took me an hour to recover that last bolt, and all the tools which walked away from my tool box on two year old legs. Remarkably, this morning Katie got off to work right on schedule. Amazing!!! The incessant chattering has now ceased, as two are dressing, one is eating, and the other is wandering around, half naked somewhere...no, it isn't me. I guess I'll have to put up that pool pretty soon. Wasn't it supposed to be sunny today? SO, let's put air in the bike tires, set up the pool, add sand to the sandbox, and break out the baseball mitts. Let the Summer begin.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Wings skated like girls...

Kirsten may have enjoyed the game, but I found it painful to watch. Had it not been for Ozzie, it would have beena blowout... Even Don Cherry on CBC called Ozzie the MVP of the series...
On to game 7, I guess. Lets hope the real Wings show up.

Monday, June 8, 2009

American Idol 2020

You be the judge.

Thanks, you've been great.


Nicole says "I like it when I make them cry..."

They Grow Up So Fast

So, as I sit here, wiping the tears from my face. I can't help but smile. It seemed like only yesterday she was in Kindergarten...Oh yeah....She was.

Anyway, Cole Trickle graduated from the big K this morning. She even got to sing the Banana song in front of God and everyone. She did a great job and we are all very proud. Watch out Harvard, here she comes (after her undergrad at UofM of course) ;>

Thanks, You've been great.


Tahq Falls Camping

So me and the little woman decided to do some camping in the UP.In the first picture you can see her there wanting a camp fire sooooo, I decided we needed some wood. The park ranger came by a little later and put a stop to my chopping. It turns out you can buy wood.

So we went and looked at the Falls both upper and lower and spent a little time at the Shipwreck Museum. Which in reality is one large room with some artifacts, interesting just a little small. Unlike the rudder I am seen standing next to, which is not small by any means.

It turns out that they don't allow people to go to the top of the lighthouse...so needless to say we were asked to leave and no other pictures were taken.

So, with the falls out of the way and being asked to leave the premises of the Museum we decided to look for some wildlife.

We were visited by a fox which we did not get a picture of, a coyote, which you can kinda make out in this next photo...and then some small black bears which decided to stick around for some pets and photos....

So a nice relaxing time was had by all. There were very few people in our campground, probably because highs were in the 50's and lows in the 30's. Oh yea, you probably want to see a shot of the falls as well.So here you go....

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Things I love about Florida

With Brendan up in Massachusetts for the weekend, seeing the first of the 4 Phish shows he has tickets to this summer, my friend Brilly and I decided to hit New Smyrna Beach for a few hours today. Because storms were predicted for the afternoon, we left early and go to the beach around 9am. In Florida in the summertime, it is already warm enough and sunny enough by 9am to be soaking up some good rays. The part of the beach we were at was in a state park and was almost completely empty. It was awesome. We snacked on pineapple and Parrot Bay coolers, took a little walk down the beach, got some sun, and did NOT go swimming, since the ocean was approximately 3 degrees. Or at least it felt that way. The Gulf side of Florida is definitely better for balmier waters.

We started to hear some rumbling around 1145am and the clouds were starting to increase, so that was our cue to pack it in and head to Capt JB's Fish Camp for some lunch. This place was EVERYTHING I love about a little seafood dive on the water. Casual and comfortable, decorated with kitsch and mermaids and all kinds of random things...Rolls of paper towels and packets of handi-wipes on the tables...and a great menu, chock full of all things seafood. Brilly had the Crabulous Sandwich and I had a blackened grouper sandwich, and man, it was one of the best grouper sandwiches I've ever tasted. There was a group of "salty dog" type of guys at the booth/table adjoining ours...they had arrived on their boat and were going back out on it. They had a table overflowing with oysters and bottles of beer and were pounding away at all of it. One started joking with me about us all having to do dishes to pay for our food, cuz they claimed they had no funds and I told him he was outta luck if he thought I could help, cuz I was hoping he would wash dishes to pay for meal too. He offered us an oyster...we politely declined.

As the over-served salty dogs were leaving, the oyster-offerer gave me a friendly pat and said he hoped we enjoyed our lunch. Then they staggered outside to get into their boat and motor it drunkenly away. Only when we asked the waitress for our check did we discover that Salty Dogs had bought our lunch. I gotta say...in my almost-43 years, I have never had someone buy lunch for me like that. It was a lovely end to a lovely day in New Smyrna. And now that I am home, I am enjoying the fact that there is nothing I have to do for the rest of the day if I don't want to. So I think I will just go lie on the couch, watch some tv, and wait for the Wings to come on. Days off rock.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Snoopy & Woodstock greet the Summer

Ahhhh....always nice when Snoopy and Woodstock welcome in the Summer with some nice, juicy watermelon. For me, Summer has arrived! Thanks...old pals!

Another One Beats Our Butts

Ah, the true Wings are starting to emerge once again. Off to a flying start, with Ozzie capturing an unbelieveable, and unrealistic, 1.00 GAA. Of course that can't last. Not that the Wings can't still win the cup. Yes, they've done it in the past...even with Ozzie, but I'm not losing any sleep nor keeping my hopes up. I think I have a better chance keeping my hopes up that I'll go up to Terry's cottage on July Fouth week, with all my kids, and there will be 80 degree days of sun and fun without sweltering, nor kid overload. That's what I'm really hoping and praying for. I won't go into detail about the game, because in part, I didn't watch all of it. I watched 1 then 1-1...then flicked it back on when Pens just scored a shorthander to make it 2-2. Saw their third....down hill from there. Luckily, I had other things to do...Wink's as good as a nod....
Hoping for the best, but have recall the days of Nick Polano, Danny Gare, and Peter Puck. Life goes on. Good luck to those of you who have put stock into them. Carpe Diem!!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

That's all right, that's okay...we will beat 'em anyway!

That's okay, Wings...we want to win the Cup on home ice anyway, so Penguins needed to win that one. It's OURS from here on out tho!!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Monday, June 1, 2009

My Prodigies

Just a quick note to tell you that my girls take after thier athletic and multi-talented (did I mention humble?) father. Nicole was a scoring machine. At last count she had 5 goals...wait...she just scored another one. I think she ended up with 6 goals and an assist. I could be wrong because I had to leave a bit early to get Natalie over to T-ball. Just look at Cole playing defense. Don't bring your weak stuff to her house. I know that I was pretty scared just trying to take the picture.

BTW, both girls went 3 for 3 at bat in T-ball and both drilled at least one ball to the outfield. Notice Nicole's technique for getting to first faster. Hit the ball and just throw the bat. Never mind the follow through. Actually they both do very well at the plate as well as the field. The coaches are not all that sharp and just kind of keep putting the girls in the same positions. This gets boring for Natalie who loves to play first. Nicole loves any position where the ball comes to her. She is a vacuum cleaner with a thunderbolt for an arm.

I had to also add that Michael Jordan has nothing on Nat. Notice the tongue. I have plenty more photos where that came from. Yes Kee, you will be getting an all sports CD.
That's all the time I have.

I will say this. My new lens is pretty sweet. All of these pictures were taken on pretty overcast days as the sun went down. I just gota Canon 70-200 f2.8. Then I throw a 1.4x extender on to get it to around 100-280mm at f4. Eggcellent for the lighting conditions. I initially bought the lens for arena and gymnasium photographs, but it performs great in these conditions.
That's all the time I have,
You've been great.