Sunday, September 26, 2010

Cole... Cheerleader Extrordinaire!

                                 HIT 'EM IN THE HEAD
                                 WITH A BIG KAH-BAH-SAH!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I'm so excited...and I just can't hide it!

For the last several months, stepping out of the house in the morning felt like this first picture - pea soup. Even at 7am, it would already be in the mid-to-high 70s and the humidity was SO thick...thick as pea soup! (or...thick as peanut butter..."you eat what you wanna eat, I'll eat what I wanna eat!")
It's gross and disgusting, and you are sweating by the time you get in the car and crank the a/c. It is no fun. And we wait and wait and wait...
And then we are FINALLY rewarded one random day, without expecting it....we walk out of the house and...HEAVEN! It's 'only" around 70 degrees and the humidity is way down and it is just WONDERFUL! Today was that day here in Central Florida. And it might just be a little "sneak peek" and might go right back to "gross heat and humidity" tomorrow, but it is a promise of things to come, a reassurance that the summer is coming to an end and it's almost October and we can start to look forward to the cooler temps and lower humidity. It was an AWESOME feeling this morning. It made me SO happy. And it got me even MORE in the mood for my visit to Michigan tomorrow! Can't wait to feel some REAL "Fall weather"!!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

BADGES? We don't need no stinkin' badges...

Thanks a lot.... You guys never gave my daughter a ticket when she speeds through here!

Poor Meems, forgot to renew her license plates. Of course, it was the Secretary of State's fault cause they never sent her a reminder when she got the new car. Now she has to hire a lawyer and plead her case in 41 A District Court.
GUILTY, I SAY! (Or to make Eric happy, RESPONSIBLE!... see... that just doesn't do it.)

Friday, September 10, 2010


Our boy Luke turns the Big 3 today!!!!!
Wish I was back in Colorado to hug him some more!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Labor Day

OK, this time it worked! A few photos from Kirsten and Brendan's trip out. Are they a gorgeous couple or what?!

I made it!!

We didn't find the ole tree stump...but we looked!!! It was all gorgeous and amazing and we were in awe. Definitely going back at some point to hike the rim, maybe raft the Colorado river...who knows. It's worth yet another trip back.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I am heading back... the Grandest of Canyons. It's been some 39 (eegads) years since I was last there; surprisingly, I remember a great deal about being there, too. I even remember this picture being taken, and even more so the picture of Daddo kneeling on the ledge and all of us (except Terry, who is blissfully unconcerned and grinning at the camera) looking at him instead of at the camera. I remember being SO worried he would fall off!

Anyway, Brendan has never seen the Big Hole In the Ground, so he is very excited, too. We are flying to Arizona tomorrow (Thursday) and will stay over in Flagstaff and then go take in the view on Friday. I'm pretty sure I don't remember where this tree stump was so I don't plan on recreating this picture. And I've long since outgrown that kicky pink sundress I am wearing.

Go West, Young Woman!