Wednesday, March 31, 2010

and TODAY it is APRIL

Well, I told you all that March 1st was the end of winter and everyone scoffed at me. All the dire warnings of March snowstorms and cold weather. Well, it has been a glorious March and a Marvelous April is about to begin. Global warning? Yeah.... bring it on. Better than an ice age. Going up to 76 today and 80 degrees tomorrow. I think I can now put away the snow blower. (If you are looking at the date and wondering if I am losing it, I am just editing yesterday's blog.)

1 comment:

  1. I actually don't want Global Warming. I'd much prefer "Localized On-Demand Warming" - I want it hooked into my Comcast remote. Select my temperature and weather conditions, and pow - it's there.
