Thursday, March 18, 2010

White O'Morn

Top o' the mornin' to ye.... Hope this finds everybody in good spirits and over their Irish spirits of last night. Alas, I din't stop at the pub for a quaff of porter or stout, but I did manage to get a beginnin' on an old Irish favorite. Accompanied by a brew, nonetheless, and the late in coming company of my Black Irish lass, we reclined to take in a bit of the ever favorite classic, "The Quiet Man." Maybe it helps that I'm a romantic, and love John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara, but who can't be entertained by such a lovely, colorful movie like that, filled with colorful characters itself. Katie had to go back to work around 6, but she was first in her presentation, and the follow-up questions were nil, so she was home with her brood by 8:15. That means after all the saying goodnights, and singing songs and such, I had her to meself by 9 or so. Of course, she was sleeping in me arms by 9:30, so I turned off the movie so she could sleep, and took the Princess out for little jaunt. Despite the day it was I didn't see any green, or orange flags flying; orange being the true color of Irish celebration in Ireland. However, with a cool but pleasant evening under Orion and Ursa Major, a mile and a half later, I was home in bed just after 10. All slept fairly well, and hoping you all had a possibly different, but no less enjoyable evening. Godspeed, and may the road rise up to meet you.


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