Tuesday, March 23, 2010


This has got to be one of the most screwed up sites on the internet.... On Mom's Facebook page, it says she  has 57 friends under her Profile.... when she clicks Home, it tells her she has 2 friends, none of whom she actually knows... and she does not get all of the news from her other 57 friends. Maybe I will just tell her to Twitter.


  1. The 57 is right on her Profile. When she clicks 'Home' that is friends 'online' right now.

    Make sure from her Home page she has clicked "News Feed" on the left to display updates and news.

    I agree - Facebook keeps changing it's interface and keeps messing it up. It's a common complaint.

    Don't let her Twitter.

  2. Oh wait - it's probably (the little people icon) on the Home page. That is Friend Requests outstanding. And if she doesn't know them, then don't accept.
