Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Half Blood Prince

Eric took Tommie, Billie and Big Tom to see the latest Harry Potter flick at the Partridge Creek Cinema yesterday. Got in the early morning show so we beat the crowd. It was most enjoyable. Thank you, Fred.


  1. I took the girls on Saturday night. They are not huge fans, but still liked it. I thought it was good - more of the same formula - but what's wrong with that?

    Besides, at this point - you HAVE to see them all!!

  2. And I will be seeing it on Monday!! I don't mind waiting a bit for the crowds to die down, since I've read the books so it's not like anyone can ruin the ending for me. Then we have the 2-part final film to look forward to, and next year the Harry Potter land at Universal Studios opens!
