Monday, June 8, 2009

They Grow Up So Fast

So, as I sit here, wiping the tears from my face. I can't help but smile. It seemed like only yesterday she was in Kindergarten...Oh yeah....She was.

Anyway, Cole Trickle graduated from the big K this morning. She even got to sing the Banana song in front of God and everyone. She did a great job and we are all very proud. Watch out Harvard, here she comes (after her undergrad at UofM of course) ;>

Thanks, You've been great.


1 comment:

  1. I am just in awe. No, not that Nicole graduated, nor at her awesomely, budding singing career, but at the newly realized liberalness of the Sheen girls' school system. I have known schools in the past to offer honorariams to lure students, but this is the first time I see a school has been smart enough to offer certain refreshments to lure parents. Wasn't it just the other day when I heard Terry say, "If they're not serving beer there, I'm not going"? Or is this a misquote. I know my make the call.
