Thursday, June 11, 2009


Well I am now getting BEYOND excited because this Saturday morning is our scheduled day for our VIP passes to view the shuttle launch. Just got a bunch of info from my contact there - we will be viewing the launch from the Press Mound. If you want an idea of the kind of vantage point we'll have, check out this slideshow -

Those photos were taken from the Press Mound.

Here's an interesting tidbit - we are told to wear long pants and no open-toed shoes, because should the shuttle blow up on the launch pad, there are hazardous chemicals and things that "might be bad for us." Eegads. Well, fingers crossed for a safe and happy liftoff. There is a 90% chance for favorable weather for a liftoff...just hoping no technical glitches crop up. I will be taking a camera/video with me, but I will say that I will be torn between pointing a camera at it and just watching and enjoying it with my own eyes so...can't promise anything.

I will report back when I get back home on Saturday. Up, up, and away!!!!

1 comment:

  1. If I were you I would just watch it for myself....we can see pictures of the shuttle on-line...maybe just a couple pics of you and your friends as proof you were there...
