Monday, June 15, 2009

Of course.

Because NASA could not go with what EVERYONE was saying, that they wouldn't delay the rocket mission they had going up on Wednesday and would instead launch the shuttle on Saturday...thus allowing at least me and Brendan to go see it blast off from the Cape (tho my friend Sue, who is now up in New York for the U.S. Open, would miss out).
No, no...NASA had to decide the hydrogen leak is fixed and so they will delay the rocket missions and instead send the shuttle up on Wednesday. Morning. At 5am. Which we can't go to because we have to work and would not be able to stay awake all night and then all during the day at work.
So basically, unless something happens to prevent the shuttle from going up on Wed morning...we get hosed out of being able to go watch it from our VIP seats. Of course.
First the Wings, now this. I think I need to go drown my sorrows in a Twistee Treat.


  1. Yes, it would have been so much better for you to go on Saturday, and get "blown up sir!", with the rest of the cape. Sorry fer ya, Cubby, but at least you'll get to see us in three weeks...and we are very happy about that. Love Us

  2. Really??? Cough, Cough. You give up that easy??? Cough, Cough. An event you may never see again in your lifetime? Cough. Cough, Cough. Hack, Hack. Loogie or two. Opportunities wasted on the weak of spirit...but not on the weak of immunity. Nothing a little cold can't remedy. But that is how I roll!

