Monday, June 8, 2009

Tahq Falls Camping

So me and the little woman decided to do some camping in the UP.In the first picture you can see her there wanting a camp fire sooooo, I decided we needed some wood. The park ranger came by a little later and put a stop to my chopping. It turns out you can buy wood.

So we went and looked at the Falls both upper and lower and spent a little time at the Shipwreck Museum. Which in reality is one large room with some artifacts, interesting just a little small. Unlike the rudder I am seen standing next to, which is not small by any means.

It turns out that they don't allow people to go to the top of the needless to say we were asked to leave and no other pictures were taken.

So, with the falls out of the way and being asked to leave the premises of the Museum we decided to look for some wildlife.

We were visited by a fox which we did not get a picture of, a coyote, which you can kinda make out in this next photo...and then some small black bears which decided to stick around for some pets and photos....

So a nice relaxing time was had by all. There were very few people in our campground, probably because highs were in the 50's and lows in the 30's. Oh yea, you probably want to see a shot of the falls as well.So here you go....


  1. Well done. Looks like a very nice trip...and you didn't even need to spring for bail.


  2. Ahh yes, Taq Falls. I was just looking at some of the pics I had taken from my honeymoon, just the other day. The water looks the same. The wildlife is certainly different though. Ours consisted of begging and pestulant chipmunks, a dead baby bird that chirped all least until it froze or something, and a lot of mosquitos and black flys. You can probably guess my wife and I haven't been back. Nice of you to share your pics though
