Monday, April 15, 2013


So, my continued frustrations with my financial situation has me contemplating several options, none of which seem to be as nice as "winning the Lotto", but since the Lotto Gods continue to either ignore, and/or laugh at me, I press on.  Today I renewed my query into the idea of either being a mystery shopper, or getting paid to take surveys. Seeing as my kids and their issues tend to keep me bound to my house, I opted for the survey thing.  I consult Consumer Reports and they reveal a few of the more reputable options.  One they choose, seems to be like a head hunter thing.  You pay them a flat fee, and they hook you up with companies that legitimately pay you for taking surveys.  I read the whole page, and when I find the fee is $35, I almost close it down right there.  However, I see that the surveys pay $10 each, and liken this fee to any other fee, book, haircut, interview lessons, one would invest in to acquire a job.  I want to be safe, so I decide to pay by Pay Pal. 
     Now, I do not have a Pay Pal account, but it didn't matter, because Katie's account came right up.  No problem, right?  After running the gamut of all my wife's known passwords, and striking out, I decide to create my own account; getting real bold here, ain't I?  So I fill out all the pertinent information, nosy minds want to know, and get to the part where you enter your credit card.  Although my hands are shaking, I cringe and enter in my Visa number, and code, take a deep breath, and hit ENTER.  It immediately rebuffs me, saying, "I cannot use the same credit card as used by another existing member.  I assume Katie is using this card, so I change to our ONE other card.  I hit ENTER they say I have entered the wrong CSC code.  I double check and enter the correct one.  I hit ENTER again, and am again rebuffed with the same explanation as I once had before, about another user having this card.  I back out all of my information and slam down my laptop's lid.  I'M DONE!!!  Someone up there just doesn't want me to work.   I wish he'd tell me what he DOES want me to do:)  I just want to be rich and famous...I'm already good looking:)


  1. When the time is right the job will be there. you are simply being protected right now.

  2. Yes, and don't pay things like this. I don't trust them. They make money getting YOUR money. Any way you can take a court reporting/medical transcripting class (perhaps online) so you can do things like transcribing at home?
