Friday, January 15, 2010


Happened to look up on the Dining Room ceiling and saw this strange shadow across the entire with .... like an image of the joist above. It does not feel wet to me, and the shadow is across the entire width of the ceiling, not just in one spot like a wet spot would be. It will probably require someone (Hi, Adam) to crawl up  then and ascertain if there is a leak. If so, we will need to  get the roofers back here to make some repairs before the ceiling comes down.


  1. Boo says its caused by burning cheap candles.... to which the Meems took great umbrage, saying she does not buy cheap candles... But, there is a legal expression that fits this... RES IPSA LOQUITOR ( The thing speaks for itself)

  2. id est..."If the shoe fits,..."it probably came from your stinky feet:)

  3. The line is clearly a sign from the 'other side' that points to an unmarked grave in the side-yard. Spoooooky!

    Candles... sheesh... how silly is that?!

  4. Candles wouldn't create a "line" like would just be black above where the candle was. Tell Boo to take off his "Estrada" glasses and he'll be able to see that it is CLEARLY a sign from The Great Beyond. I'm with Kevin on this one.

  5. I say you're all nuts. Mom likes painting. I say, repaint and forget about it!...but you might want to change candles and pray, just to be on the safe side....i.e, "...but watch out for 'in your ear'."

  6. HA!!! I KNOW it is NOT my candles. My only concern is that it may be mold which means tearing out the entire ceiling, replacing everything up there and redoing the dining area---hmmmm, maybe NOT a bad thing
