Wednesday, January 6, 2010

E.T. and Me...

...we had something in common...our fascination/addiction/love of the Reese's Pieces. Trivia: apparently, the producers of the E.T. movie originally wanted to use M&Ms, but M&Ms did not want to be associated with the movie (they probably thought "a movie about some stupid-looking alien coming to earth and befriending a bunch of kids? HA! It will NEVER work!")so the producers found the Hershey Foods company to be a willing second choice. And the sales of Reese's Pieces sPiked once the movie was released. According to reports:

"Sales were variously described as having tripled, experienced an 85% jump, or increased by 65%. Whatever the numbers, though, Reese's Pieces - up until then an underdog confection only faintly known by the U.S. candy-consuming public - were suddenly being consumed in great handfuls."

I always found that to be a great, fascinating story...would have loved to have been a fly on the wall after the movie came out, when the folks at Mars/M&Ms headquarters were firing the guy who turned down E.T.

And now, years later, I have come to the unarguable conclusion that Reese's Pieces are, hands down, my most favorite candy of all candies. And that I have ZERO willpower when it comes to them. I literally cannot have them in my office or at home or wherever I am, because I will eat them until I explode. Like goldfish and eat until they explode. (So warning to the Sheen Boys - don't overfeed Freddie...cause he'll explode...OR grow be SHARKS! [another Spielberg movie reference]).

So on that note...can someone PLEASE come get these Reese's Pieces out of my office??? Before I explode!!!

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