Monday, November 1, 2010

To the Sea...

So Natalie and Nicole took a trip to the ocean for the first time. They seemed to really love it, especially once they started body surfing and then boogie boarding. And Cole thought it was pretty cool that the water tasted like salt. It was fun to watch them discover this new joy.


  1. I thought we were going to see some body surfing. Cute, anyhow. I bet those top pictures are really cute if you could read everything that was written in the sand. I thing "Large Captions" for the visually, and imaginitively impaired would be appropriate. Nice to know they enjoyed it. Wish I was there...NO, looks a heck of a lot warmer there, than I know it is here; 34 frickin' degrees. It's almost frickin' freezing, Mr. Bigglesworth! Gotta love Michigan

  2. Yeah, I was kicking myself for not getting more video. Sorry. Natalie's message was "I love Aunt Kee", Cole's was "I love my Mom and Dad."

    I am SO looking forward to COLDER WEATHER!!! We have a "cold front" (which we prefer to call "tepid" front) coming thru and it is only supposed to be 70 on Saturday, which is AWESOME for us! Cannot WAIT!!
