Tis the midpoint of Winter... halfway between the shortest day of the year and the vernal (spring) equinox. It is also the day before electricity when the people used to bring their candles into church for blessing. And I guess, if you must, it is also Groundhog day. There was time when there was no February... nor January, for that matter. Numa Pompilous added those two months to the Roman Calendar in abouit 700 BCE and changed the calendar from 10 months to 12. Well, if this is the midpoint of winter, I guess it is all downhill now.
Well I feel very educated now on all this day represents! Lots of stuff I didn't even know. Just knew about the wacky groundhog. Thanks, Daddo! :-)
ReplyDeleteThat's all well and good, but did the darn rodent see his friggin' shadow or not?
ReplyDeleteWell yes, he saw his shadow, as he ALWAYS does, and you would have 6 more weeks of "winter" regardless because that is just how long winter lasts. I will try bringing up some sunshine and light when I come up on the 26th!
ReplyDeletePETA wants Phil replaced by a robot groundhog. I kid you not. Of course I'm sure the coyotes will be happy once Phil gets 'freed' into the wild.