Saturday, February 20, 2010

Doctors, Diagnoses, and Dope

Thank the maker for all of the above, and Mom and Dad. I started feeling under the weather about a week ago, and attributed it to my vigorous work out at Jump Rope For Heart. Well, two days later, my muscles were back to feeling better, but a cold seemed to emerge...darn kids! Anyhow, three nights ago I was up a few times with tickling cough and sinus...despite being under the control of good old Nyquil. The morning junk turned into evening junk, and by Thursday evening, I couldn't go 10-15minutes without waking myself up with coughing. Despite my mothers lack of confidence in my knowledge of what to do, I tried everything from a steamy shower room, to various sleeping positions. Needless to say, by Friday morning, if God said, "Let's go", I would have said, "OK, you win!" However, then there is my wonderful wife with her push to get me to call the doctor. Well, after my morning routine with the boys, and shopping trips to Meijer and Sams, I tried to sleep when Jimmy slept...after I put stuff away, of course. "MAN, am I stubborn, eh?" The nap time went as the night time did, and after almost two hours of attempted sleep, I felt even worse when Jim came into my room. I relented, and called the doctor. They had one opening, and because of my WONDERFUL parents, I was able to take the appointment, and get this thing resolved.
I told the doctor that, despite having gotten a flu shot, if I had a fever, I'd swear I had the flu. She said, "well, you do have a fever." She proceeded to write me three scripts to treat two different infections and my cough. THANK THE MAKER!!! By nightfall I was able to have taken a nap and felt 80% better. This morning, "I feel like a June bride"...and I guess I'm the only one who knows how she feels....he he he!!!
Moral of the story: When wife tells you to do something. Listen to her and be grateful. Thanks again mom and dad:)


  1. SOOOO happy to hear you wised up and went to the doctor! When I had that cough back around New Year's where I couldn't get to sleep cuz I just kept coughing and coughing, that was the worst, and that was without me having 4 small children to take care of. Glad you are on the road to recovery. Always listen to your women-folk!

  2. Always happy to be of service to my children and my children's children.
