Friday, March 16, 2012

Some Statistics to Make You Shudder

Twitter followers:

Zero Hedge        ~ 88,000 followers
MSNBC Biz        ~205,000 followers
Ron Paul        ~236,000 followers
Jim Cramer        ~475,000 followers
Bloomberg News    ~506,000 followers

Ozzy Osbourne        ~1.7M followers
Kloe Kardashian    ~6.3M followers
Paris Hilton        ~6.4M followers
Kim Kardashian        ~14M followers

So basically, 20x the amount of people turn to the self-proclaimed “Prince of Darkness” (Ozzy) than Zero Hedge for their daily sound-byte consumption and 60x the amount of people consume what a vapid, plasticized individual like Kim Kardashian has to say over what Ron Paul has to say.

I weep for the country.


  1. I, too, find a great sadness overcomes me when I see what/who people are following. Amazing how brainlessness has overcome this nation and how civility has also gone by the wayside. Makes me not too sad about rounding third base sometimes.

  2. Look, all Ron Paul has to do is get himself a reality show and marry himself a dopey basketball player. I just don't see him applying himself so I can't feel sorry for him.

    1. I think he's still wrestling with the idea of the s*x tape. Yes, yes - it would boost his publicity..... but at what price to our peace of mind!!
