Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Belly Up to the Jelly!

In other words - enjoy a Paczki today. I loved that when I did a search on Google to find a suitable picture, this one came up from a bakery in GLADWIN!! What are the chances?!
Happy Paczki Day/Fat Tuesday/Day Before Lent to my Polish family!
And try to make an Ash of yourself tomorrow.


  1. My Paczki Day will be celebrated tonight as I imbibe in thin chocolate wafers smothered in alcohol infused whipped cream. MUCH more enticing to me than that fat sugar laden lump of dough!!!!!! MMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!

  2. Fat Tuesday it is.

    400+ cal / 25+ grams fat each.

    I like the Chrusciki better.

    btw - searching both Paczki and Chrusciki on the Livestrong Healthy Eating forum:


    Tip: Try one of these other items to consume fewer calories.

    No healthy alternatives are available for this item yet.


    In other words - THERE ARE NO ALTERNATIVES :-)

  3. I guess I'm not as Polish as I should be. I did not go in search of any paczki yesterday. The best I got was Jim and I made some chocolate chip cookies, and my friend brought a bag of chocolate to catechism last night. We mentioned paczki, but that's as far as it went. I had a lot of bread and cheese with my pasta...does that count at all. No...Kevin's right; there are no alternatives. Happy Fasting. Let's all "Give it Up" for JC. But what???
