Sunday, February 13, 2011


As you can see, I'm just lying here, wasting away on this hard rock floor...oops, you CAN see. Well, this isn't mom and dad's bed, but this nice plush chair has become my newest favorite place to lay, that is when this houses' dad isn't sitting in it. They force me to lie around, and keep putting food in front of me. Yesterday, when they left, they even forced a pig ear upon me. Of course I had to oblige them. Then this guy tries to push me to my limits. Not only does he tie and tangle me up with Princess on leashes, but walks me for 1 - 1.5 miles at a time. I thought I'd luck out when it was 10 degrees, but he dragged me out of the nice warm chair nonetheless. And then yesterday, when it was above freezing, he tried to get me to walk twice!!! Can you believe the nerve of some people? Well, I showed him that I belonged in Mideavil times, because I was a - dragin'. Get it? Dragon/ dragin' ... Sorry, his humor must be rubbing off on me.

I guess he is taking care of me. I get plenty of love and pets, and let out whenever I ask. Hope you're having fun down there. See you soon.

Love: Spike

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