Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Drunk Baboons Plague Cape Town's Exclusive Suburbs

Inebriated baboons which have developed a taste for its grapes.
Each day, dozens of Cape Baboons gather to strip the ancient vines – the sauvignon blanc grapes are a particular favourite – before heading into the mountains to sleep. A few, who sample fallen fruit that has fermented in the sun, pass out and don't make it home.

Last week, a 12 year old boy, hearing noises from the kitchen, went to investigate and found the beasts ransacking cupboards. When the child fled upstairs to find his babysitter, three males gave chase and surrounded him as he made a tearful phone call to his mother, while the animals pelted him with fruit.
For Sale signs are sprouting up in suburbs with baboon populations.

1 comment:

  1. Man, I wish there was video of this. The visual of a drunk monkey toppling over is an excellent one.
