Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Return from Napa

So we have returned from our first Wine Tasting excursion in Napa. Let me say this...it was pretty cool. It helped to have an experienced couple be our guide and lead us through the formalities. Once we began our tasting, the questions just seemed to flow and most of the representatives were more than happy to comply. Now not being a wine snob, nor really having a too discerning pallet, most of my questions were focused on the actual agriculture, planning and process of making the wine rather than the spicy oak flavors that cascaded across our tongue, whilst the tannins dried the back of our throats and the acidity rolled back forward to re-moisten our mouths. That particular phrase was actually one that I could understand as I compared it to the actual tasting of "This one goes to eleven." Yes it is named after the famed Spinal Tap banter and yes I did buy two bottles. We also found that the more you seemed interested in the vinyards, the more the wine the reps wanted you to try. An example was at the Ledson vinyard where we went from tasting 5 wines to having over 12. By the time you reach the end, who really knows what they tasted like ;>

The wineries were very cool and the views spectacular. Our pictures don't do it justice, but you get the point. Even the tastings themselves can be quite involved and extensive. The one represented here was seen at Shafer vinyard where they had an entire room set up with glass doors overlooking the vinyard and a big yellow Lab named Tucker who has free reign on the estate. You can facebook him at Tucker Shafer. He is apparently quite popular. It was also here that the owner came to visit us personally. A woman who was there likened it to meeting the pope. We failed to see the comparison and apparently, so did the owner who just sort of frowned. We also learned from the same woman, that everything is described with one word "Amazing."

Of course, even at the nicest of places, a yahoo like me cannot help to get a bit silly. No I did not drink the entire bottle, just maybe half ;>

I will say this, if you go, I have a few places that were fabulous, while others are a waste of time. Interaction is the key to getting good service and making the experience awesome. Plan ahead and don't be afraid of the vinyards that are by appointment only. They are actually more personable and easy because you are not competing with 50 other people, some very serious and door-knobish. The key to any visit of course is to drink what you like. The most expensive wine still rubbish if you don't like the taste.

After our wine venture we did make it to AT&T park to watch the Giants get pounded by the Red Sox. We were going more for the stadium experience than the game, and it did not disappoint. Even if our seats were the last row of the upper deck !!

That's all the time I have;
Thanks, you've been great!!


  1. Highly entertaining description of your time there. Almost as good as the infamous Hawaii Letter I still have (somewhere) from you guys. I particularly liked the use of the word "door-knobish"...kept it "real" and very Boo-like for me.

  2. What a great trip for you---and for me reading about it. Would definitely be something I would like to try, but have no friends who are wine lovers as I am. The pics are wonderful and especially love the ball park view of the water. Glad you went and had such a great time!!!

  3. nice pics, especially the stadium view. BTW, which vineyard served Blue? Oh yes, that would be the Gladwin Wells Vineyard, this weekend, eh?
