And the watersports begin!! A great weekend at the cottage. Girls began skiing, wake-surfing, kneeboarding and tubing. They seem to be doing really well but the skis are a bit cumbersome for Cole. Natalie just complains that the she has to work to hard. Wait until I take her off the boom and make her long-line ;>
The picture of Cole is her first attempt, whilst the one of Natalie is after an hour or so of split kneeboard/wake-surf. I am very proud that they even had the courage to try.
Should be an active 4rth of July ;>
That's all the time I have....Thanks, you've been great.
They are such little adventurers! So proud of them! They will most definitely show up their Aunt Kee but that's okay by me...I am with Natalie on the "too much work" thing. Can't wait for the 4th!!