Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter to all.

"Hey, if all you guys want to be in the picture, you've got to scrunch in on this side of the table."

1 comment:

  1. Isn't this picture slightly different than the one they used on "The DaVinci Code"? Nonetheless, it reminds me of our Sheen Holiday meals when the grandparents, Uncle Tony, and a stray here or there would join us. Always room for one more at the table, or in the heart. I had a banner Easter yesterday. Aside from what I already left as comment prior to this, the afternoon went off without a hitch. I guess some still doubt my abilities, because although I emailed my inlaws and let them know of the menu and that there'd be two desserts, Martha brought cup cakes. I guess that's her issue and not mine, because my strawberry shortcake and apple pie went the best. Have some left if you guys are in town soon; but don't expect it to last. Even my whole crew slept well. Love to all.
