....to Meems' and Daddo's house we will go...in just 18 short days!!! Brendan and I arrive in Michigan for Thanksgiving on Tuesday, November 24th, and cannot wait! I am always sad to see Halloween go, but I did get good enjoyment out of the month of October, some good scares and lots of decorations and treats...so now it's time to hurtle ourselves into the rest of the holiday season. I am dreaming of turkey and mashed taters and gravy and PUMPKIN PIE and, most of all, being with my family (at least most of them) and NOT being in the hospital (the Good Lord willin')!
And p.s. the glut of holiday commercials has begun, and yesterday I saw a promo for the TBS (or is it TNT) "25 Days of Christmas" campaign...which apparently begins this coming Tuesday...which makes no sense to me but...ah well. When is "CB Christmas" and "Rudolph" on????
They are on whenever I put in the DVD's