Sunday, August 23, 2009

Trivia Question of the Day

Had a very nice dinner last night with Mom's him and him friends... Meems made some delicious wet burrittos and key lime pie. Earlier this morning we were blessed with a visit with Polly and Molly and Booey was good enough to bring along the "Bumpus" dogs. they are a real trip. Gratefully, there was no turkey on the table nor screen doors to destroy. Now we are just waiting for the other faction.... Curley, Larry and.... no... there are only 3 of them.... maybe Groucho, Harpo, Chico and Zeppo... I know there was a Gummo, but he left the act early....

Now for the trivia question.... without looking it up anywhere, where is the Red River Valley located as in the Song of the same name? The song that goes, "...Come and sit by my side, if you love me. Do not hasten to bid me adieu. Just remember the Red River Valley And the cowboy who loved you so true..."


  1. ok, so I can't answer this because we discussed it this afternoon, but I still say there might be of course being in Texas. However, can you answe MY Q's? Where is the Colorado River...NO, wait...who's buried in Grant's Tomb...NO!!!, How many flapjacks does it take to cover a....DOH!!!. Oh never mind...17. and Michael Jackson was a straight, misunderstood Mormon. Gotta go and beat my kids...I guess that's why they don't like playing Monopoly with me:) Yes, I know I'm wierd. I'll stop.

  2. Manitoba and Winnepeg is the correct answer... per Wikipedia and more importantly, per Meems's gay cabalero.

  3. but don't ask him to try any figs

