Agreeing with Daddo, the outside sun was quite overbearing yesterday. After a morning stay with mom and dad, we ventured home, where Jim napped, boys watched tv, Katie read, and I prepped some ribs for up north trek...all of us doing our thing indoors. However, when Jim woke, we did venture out once more. It was off to the Panni-Matka's. She had hors d'eourves of Doritos and broccoli...not in one bowl, and had her pool out in the shade for the boys. Ed gravitated toward that. However, the elder two went for the canal, as all of us Sheens would have been used to as well. I was downloading mom's pictures to her computer, down in the cool basement, or lower level, as one might call the sub-ground level of a tri-level home, when in down walks Jim in his bathing suit. I asked him if he was going swimming, and he let me know in no uncertain words that I was going swimming as well. Luckily I knew this was coming, and had brought my suit. I was soon outside with him and was ready to go into the pool with him. UH-UH!!! If brothers were in the canal, then so would he be. Of course I would go in first and get ready for him.
I was soon in the water, and surprised at the height, being chest high on me. This made me less thrilled that my 7-year old was in there, considering that unless he was at the ladder, he had to tread water. However, he had passed his swimming test(to the other side of the canal and back without stopping) so I put my parental worries aside, and was glad to be in there with them. Jim was soon making his way down the ladder and into my arms. He said C-O-L-D, a couple of times, when the water height hit his belly and chest, but only got out once our twice to tell his mommy how he was in the canal with daddy holding him. Then, it was right back in. I even think if I prompted him, he would have jumped right off the edge without reservation. This cooled us off immensely, and once dinner was over, the only thing swimming in the pool were a couple of little fish, and a foot long large mouth bass that Billy caught.
All said and done, it didn't seem too humid when you were in the canal and wet. That night, Jimmy worked on his sentences by telling his mom and dad how Jim...ca-al...dadda...hold...brothers. And of course, we all know what this means, right? Storms made for a restless night with the boys, but Ed and I are up and running...not literally running...this morning. Hope all is well with you. Here are some locals in the canal.