Saturday, May 16, 2015

You think it's no big deal...but...

I'm not a big hoarder. But I keep a small box of memorabilia. Just random things that remind me of my youth and teenage years. Random photos, old school ID's, scraps of paper. I even have my original D.R.E.A.D. card.

I happened upon the box today and like usual, I just perused through it.

Here's one thing I kept. It's a note from dad when I was working at Michael's Men's Wear - probably 30 years old. He probably stopped by one day when I was with a customer or out to lunch or something.

He scrawled this on a sales slip. It was probably no big deal at the time to him. But I kept it. All these years. And reading it reminds me of a major reason my adult life is so great. Because as a kid, I knew my parents loved me.

It's a reminder of how much this kind of thing means to kids - even teenagers and young adults. The impression it makes, and the ripple effect the accumulation of these things make in a person's life.

So an early Happy Father's Day to dad (sorry Kee - I got this one in first this year!)

Thanks for making my childhood and life so wonderful! Thanks for making me want to be a good dad!

Love you!



  1. PS.... I really, really love you.. Daddo

  2. And you have turned out to be a wonderful human being of whom we continue to be proud!!!! And you are loved. M

  3. You Win, Kev! This is a beautiful, wonderful post and got me all kinds of choked up. I have some notes like that from Mom and Dad tucked away in different places too. Like you, I treasured them, simple as they were. Love this!!! Thanks for posting.

  4. Simple and Awesome at the same time. We need more of this in life. Thanks for the post. George
