Friday, January 25, 2013

ATF Agents in our Neighborhood

So Paige was trying to figure out why there were a ton of police and ATF vehicles in the neighborhood across the street from ours for most of the day yesterday.

Apparently, some nut job was trying to trade explosives for cocaine. His 'contact' turned out to be a federal agent and they arrested him yesterday. Found a bunch of guns, improvised explosives and armor plating around his windows and doors. Some 'prepper' / anti-government guy that really went off the deep end. There are some transcripts out there about his conversations with the federal agent where he said that if any ATF agents or police came to his house, they'd be sorry. Turns out they arrested him as he walked out of his house and we went like a lamb.

I run past this house all the time.

Another interesting note. When I saw the above video, I recognized the house but wanted to see the address. Figured it out in Google.

4648 S Swadley Way
Morrison, CO 80465

Apparently this guy wasn't so covert. He was captured by the Google Street View cam talking on his cell phone in the driveway. It was still up on Google Street View as of this morning.

He looks brilliant.

Paige's comment was, "Well - at least he took care of his plants and landscaping"

1 comment:

  1. I have a similarly constructed blue house in my neighborhood, with a nicely manicured lawn and a high privacy fence. The gate is always closed. Should I worry? Notwithstanding that...uhhh, I forgot. Btw, that's a dynamite story:)
