Friday, January 25, 2013

ATF Agents in our Neighborhood

So Paige was trying to figure out why there were a ton of police and ATF vehicles in the neighborhood across the street from ours for most of the day yesterday.

Apparently, some nut job was trying to trade explosives for cocaine. His 'contact' turned out to be a federal agent and they arrested him yesterday. Found a bunch of guns, improvised explosives and armor plating around his windows and doors. Some 'prepper' / anti-government guy that really went off the deep end. There are some transcripts out there about his conversations with the federal agent where he said that if any ATF agents or police came to his house, they'd be sorry. Turns out they arrested him as he walked out of his house and we went like a lamb.

I run past this house all the time.

Another interesting note. When I saw the above video, I recognized the house but wanted to see the address. Figured it out in Google.

4648 S Swadley Way
Morrison, CO 80465

Apparently this guy wasn't so covert. He was captured by the Google Street View cam talking on his cell phone in the driveway. It was still up on Google Street View as of this morning.

He looks brilliant.

Paige's comment was, "Well - at least he took care of his plants and landscaping"

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Not so long ago in Russia a mechanical device was found in volcanic rock which was dated 400 million years before the current era (B.C.E)
The Voice of Russia and other Russian sources are reporting that a 300 million year old piece of aluminum machinery has been found in Vladivostok. Experts say a gear rail appears to be manufactured and not the result of natural forces. 

Sunday, January 20, 2013


You're looking at it the wrong way...

Flip it upside down and 'Just Imagine'


Farmers baaa-ffled after hundreds

 of sheep are branded with

 smiley face

Sunday, January 13, 2013


I am really not into running 5Ks (or any other crowded, timed races), but I saw a video for this Color Run and something made me want to do it.  None of my close friends were I was VERY grateful that a casual friend of mine and her mom signed up so I didn't have to go alone. 

It turned out to be a BLAST!   So much fun, and it's not timed or anything, so you can walk, run, jog, push strollers, whatever.  Every kilometer you get doused with a new color (it's harmless powder that washed easily off in the shower).  At the end it's one big party, lots of dancing, and more powder being thrown.   There were tons of kids, there were people in tutus, there was a man in a chicken outfit, there was a man/woman (I wasn't sure) in a wedding dress...   I definitely got ideas for what I might want to do next year, and the fact that I am already looking forward to next year says a lot.  Find the one coming to a city near you and take out the kids and do it.  SO much fun!! 

Here is an AFTER pic -

My friend Elle & Me!

Even Little Kids love it!

Every 15 mins at the ending party they do a Color Burst...this is what it's like being in the middle of that -

Sunday, January 6, 2013