Monday, July 9, 2012

The Great Snipe Hunt

Tradition continued with the great Snipe Hunt at the cottage.   

The mission began with the creation of the Snipe Trap.   Two paper bowls taped together with a door on one end and a hole for the flashlight to shine through on the other.   The game was afoot.
Natalie with her Snipe trap

Traps were made by all participants and flashlights were handed out.    All hunters took to the yard looking for the Snipe.   Instead of paper bag rustling to attract them, we utilized the flicking of the Snipe door.   Afterall, Snipes are attracted to that type of sound.   The effort went on for some time, until Natalie grew skeptical.  

I dispensed with the skepticism momentarily as a caught a Snipe (rock in the trap that I rattled around.)  When they went to look, it accidentally got away.   What bad Luck.

So Cole continued the quest with little sueccess.    Natalie finally called my bluff, but I managed to convince her to keep propogated the ruse.   Which she did.   After all the boys also had their chances and grew frustrated, we finally clued them in.   Now they have that precisous memory which they can pass down to thier kids.

The Great Snipe Caper was Solved.

That's all the time I have, you've been great.


1 comment:

  1. It was awesome! I am so glad we got to pass on that fabulous tradition. And the creation of the Snipe Trap was genius. I loved the thought you put into it. Excellent work!!
