Monday, April 9, 2012

Luke's First Day on Skis

So it wasn't an entire success - he barely just got pulled around by me the first day and opted out of the second day - he wanted to stay back and play with our friend's lab all day.

But - we got him out there, got gear on, and most importantly - got a picture of him happy.

And of course the all important mid-day lunch with dad!


  1. Um...that's his "happy" face? He looks terrified/unhappy. Poor Luke. Well, he takes after his Aunt Kee when it comes to skiing...we'll be inside, by the warm fire, with snacks and hot cocoa, thanks.

  2. Well, since I still remember my first AND ONLY attempt at skiing I can definitely share his feelings about wanting to play with the dog instead
    of barreling down a ski slope thinking I was going to go over the edge of the cliff and die at any moment. LOVE the lunch idea, though!!!

  3. Sorry Kee - but I guarantee this kid is going to be an ace skier and snowboarder before he's 10. He's also going to be a top endurance athlete and eventual Olympian :-)

  4. Oh my, daddy, you ARE a tad parent pushy.

  5. Is this all while he is handling his day job of being President of the United States? :-)
