Thursday, October 14, 2010


....Yes, that's right...I am a SURVIVOR! Today marks 2 years of cancer survivorship for me. In some ways it feel like it was just yesterday, in most ways it feels like another lifetime ago. Regardless, I am damn happy to be here and to feel so good. And if my scans come back clear next month, then I get to get my port taken out AT LAST!!! What a nice early Christmas gift that will be!!

To all the females reading this (and to the males, too, as you need to make sure the females pay attention) - PLEASE Check Your Chest on a monthly basis!!! My doing so allowed us to catch this sucker early enough to treat it successfully.

Love you all. So very happy to be celebrating such a great thing today.


  1. And I celebrate with you, my darling daughter!!! Love the little Boo Bees cartoon!!. I check my check (what little there is of it) regularly and am happy to report no findings. Love to see you smile!!!!

  2. I meant I check my chest!!!! Was writing checks prior to this comment so the brain was not switched properly. Sigh. Too many drugs over the past few days, I think.

  3. HUZZAH!!!! And in honor of my darling daughter, even I will wear pink tomorrow.

  4. Well, mega congrats and then some. And I am with you on the check. I am all for checking women's chests. Of course I believe in doing this far more than once a month. Let's make it a weekly thing...or better yet, a daily thing. Can't be too careful now, can we. And while we're checking that out, there are so many other parts that could need checking.
    All kidding aside. I think that's great, Kirs. Love and good health to you. Angels and ministers of grace defend us...all! LOVE: ET
