Monday, September 13, 2010

BADGES? We don't need no stinkin' badges...

Thanks a lot.... You guys never gave my daughter a ticket when she speeds through here!

Poor Meems, forgot to renew her license plates. Of course, it was the Secretary of State's fault cause they never sent her a reminder when she got the new car. Now she has to hire a lawyer and plead her case in 41 A District Court.
GUILTY, I SAY! (Or to make Eric happy, RESPONSIBLE!... see... that just doesn't do it.)

1 comment:

  1. typical of a's somebody elses fault. Never accepting blame themselves. Either way, isn't it responsible, not Guilty, or Guily for that matter? Or is this indeed a misdemeanor? I thought it was just a civil infraction. Whatever the case, I say nail her up...nail some sense into the woman!!! Sorry Meems:)
