Monday, September 28, 2009

We had a great time at the Corn Maze last weekend! We do this every year but this is the first time Luke has been old enough to go. They have this really cool little kids maze and he had a great time in there trying to hide from Kelsey :-) Then the 'big kids' stayed after dark and went into the BIG maze.


  1. OMG, he is SOOOO adorable!!! Great picture of him entering the maze. Thank you so much for sharing them with us. Makes us feel nice and close to all of you.

  2. Those are awesome pix! I just loooove Fall/Halloween stuff!!

  3. Those are terrific pics, Kevin, or should I say, Paige, since she's the only one not pictured. The top one just brought to mind the old pun, "A man outstanding in his field". I'm sure someone besides myself remembers the book we had at the cottage, Jest In Pun. Nonetheless, thanks for sharing. You have some beautiful children.
